Sunday, August 3, 2008

And the winner is...

Thank you for all the participants in our giveaway of the new chilren's book 'Templeton Turtle Goes Exploring' by Ron Pridmore and Michele-lee Phelan we reviewed last Monday.

We got many great ideas on how to connect children to nature and make them excited about the outdoors, and as a new father of a two month old baby I wrote many of them down for the near future (I guess it's never too early to start connecting you kids to mother nature..).

The winning offer is the one of the reader Bender House who suggested the following: I love taking my son to the local public garden (Olbrich Gardens) in our city. They have great classes for toddlers where they read a story about nature and then we talk a walk around the gardens where they point out things I never noticed before. It is a great way to have my so connect with nature so early.

Congratulations Bender House and thank you to all the other participants for the great advice! I hope your kids will like nature and help to conserve it no matter what way you choose to follow.

And don't forget to keep following our giveaways. We have many more green books to review and give away so stay tuned.

Raz @ Eco-Libris

Eco-Libris: plant a tree for every book you read!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Thank you again for book. I still can't believe I won. The best part is that you will be planting a tree as well as sending us the book. It is great to know there are companies like yours that take an extra step to help the planet for generations to come. Thank you again!